Whole Horse Wellness - Promoting Equine Vitality
Contact: 650.533.8882
Whole Horse Wellness - Promoting Equine Vitality
Contact: 650.533.8882
Whole Horse Wellness - Promoting Equine Vitality
Contact: 650.533.8882
Whole Horse Wellness
Creating and Maintaining optimal wellness in your horse so you both thrive
"Horses are amazing beings, with huge, hearts, offering unconditional love to those willing to receive openly."
-Alice R Collins
Alice R Collins Founder/Therapist, is a certified Equine Craniosacral Therapist and certified Equine Myo-manipulative Functional Therapist. Passionate about animals, especially horses, since early childhood, Alice has been an intuitive body worker since age 15.
Working in the veterinary field in her 20's, Alice intended
to become a vet tech specializing in horses, but then life redirected her, and she chose to focus on family.
Years later, while experiencing significant life changes, including the ending of her marriage, Alice was called to an awakening, and began her journey on a new Spiritual path. With a new way of Being and new ways of Healing, Alice chose to follow her heart's passion and return to equine healing work in a way that combined her spiritual and hands-on healing paths.
During her equine therapeutic certification process, while working mostly with lovingly rehabbed rescue horses, Alice founded Whole Horse Wellness, and has continued learning, expanding her ability to "hear and feel" what the horses' bodies are saying and gaining knowledge from each horse she helps.